BK and AK

That’s Before Kids and After Kids

Sometimes I think about my life Before Kids. It seems a distant memory because I almost can’t imagine not having Nessness and Obiwan in my life. But as I continue to slowly unpack various boxes from moving a few times, I find things that remind me of life BK.

  1. Shoes 
    BK: I enjoyed my shoes. Not to excessive amounts of course (I “only” had 25 pairs max); there wasn’t enough space in a condo in Vancouver. I found my small collection of three inch power pumps from my downtown office days, knee high boots, horse hair ankle booties, dancing shoes, fancy kitten heels and stylish ballet flats. I still admire shoes in store windows now but the age of my feet dictates I only put on what’s comfortable.
    AK: My shoe rotation consists of Asics, Pumas, Converse and Hunter wellies. I can’t even do flipflops because they hurt my feet (and they’re bad for you.)
  2. Fancy clothes
    BK: I was never cutting edge fashionable; I liked classics. Well cut trousers, structured jackets with good detailing and form flattering jeans. Flattering dresses that look a million bucks but costs a fraction.
    AK: Lululemons, leggings, jeggings, joggers and nothing with zippers. Nothing is form fitting, rather it’s structured to give the illusion I still have a waist. I’m not out of the phase where I can escape having some kind of colored fluid smeared on me so “clean” is as fancy as it gets.
  3. Me-time
    BK: I could spend a day curled up with a good book and mug of tea or that Korean citron drink. I wasn’t into baths but a long shower to exfoliate, do nails, personal grooming and apply a face mask is something I’d indulge in every now and then. I’d also go on walks and window shop.
    AK: I yell I need to go poo and then grab my phone on the way to the bathroom where I firmly lock the door and spend five to ten minutes by myself. I’ll epilate my legs once in Spring and once in Summer. I look at my stash of Korean face masks and say, “One day”.
  4. Being a Foodie
    BK: I live to eat, try new trendy restaurants, go back to old favorites and be on the look out for new flavors to savor.
    AK: A kid friendly, trendy restaurant doesn’t really exist. Going for pho is pretty awesome now. And so I try to cook yummy food at home. It’s ruining my kids though. I served my kids a chewier cut of steak and they complained it wasn’t as good as last time (prime rib).
  5. Travel
    BK: I love traveling. Somewhere overseas at least once a year. Road trips and camping is also awesome.
    AK: Flights for four people is so expensive. Road trips for longer than three hours don’t work. We did take our kids to Japan last year, but with nap schedules to maintain, and family friendly restaurants to find, it’s really not worth it. Not going overseas again until they can carry their own luggage. We couldn’t explore much or venture into hole-in-wall foodie places. We will be attempting to go camping this summer. Will see how that goes!
  6. DIY projects
    BK: I enjoy taking on DIY projects….making something old new again, giving something a new life or purpose.
    AK: My hubs says the house is full of unfinished projects. It’s kinda true. The only “projects” I do now are completing the laundry, sorting kids clothes by season and size, and filing away the perpetually growing mountain of paper. THOUGH, I did take up gardening for mental health. I’m trying to make it a fun place to spend time since our time since our weather allows it.
  7. Date night
    BK: Movies, new restaurants, road trips, camping trips, travel….okay these aren’t all “date night” type stuff but it was stuff we really enjoyed doing together.
    AK: A&W or Netflix on the couch after the kids have gone to bed. Being able to leave the house without the kids is SUCH A TREAT.

One thought on “BK and AK

  1. Still mulling over comments on other posts. This one j can speak to since I am instant mom and had to learn this over night. Plane trips home: gone are my days of flying home 4 times a year. It is going to be a 5k trip every time we go as will need to rent a car, booster seat, soon car seat, etc. I went from one to 3.5.
    I have hated shoes since foot surgery. Pregnancy kinda limits what shoes I can wear. No heels. And I know soon shoe tying is a thing of the past. (What do I have. 3 months left? I am already not bending as well as before). Since discovering maternity pants I curse the one who came up with zippers and buttons. E is old enough I don’t get much on my clothes minus slime and ice cream. But soon….. I will be messaging 30 questions a day.

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